ох, ладно, беру свои слова назад.
нашла таки приличный фик по ОТП Фарскейпа. Ну как приличный... ваще не приличный ни разу. жанр: юмор. Смеялась до слез. Бэбибум на корабле. Джон борется с собственной гомофобией, Старк - со своими истериками, Брака и Айрин налаживают отношения, а Скорпиус пытается
понять и простить принять, что вот эти идиоты - его новая семья.
archiveofourown.org/works/499966?view_full_work...учитывая, что персонажи те еще долбозавры, фик ни разу не ООС. Прямо верится, что так они и будут жить на одном корабле.
ржачная цитатаScorpius will drape the towel over John's shoulder. “John.”
“I thought you would want to know. D'Argo disclosed to me that he believes he is attracted to males.”
John will turn off the faucet. “What?”
“I know this is likely much earlier than you had expected.”
“He told you?”
“And nobody else?”
“He said I was the first person he had discussed this wi—”
John will turn to face Scorpius, throwing the hand towel at him. “Goddamnit, Scorpius! You stole my moment!”
“Your moment?”
“Yes, my moment. It was supposed to be my moment. He was supposed to come to me first. He was supposed to come to me and I was going to tell him that everything was going to be okay and that I would love him no matter what and that I was proud of him. He was supposed to come to me, not Nosferatu.” Crichton will start crying. Scorpius will be uncomfortable.ещеCrichton jogged down the corridor after him. “Yo, Braca. Wait up.” Braca slowed down enough for Crichton to follow. “I know we've had our differences and I've said some things that might have been a little ignorant. Whatever ill will between us that I've caused—I just wanna say I'm sorry and...” He pulled a slip of metal from his pocket and began to read from it, “You're self-serving, emotionally stunted, cold, manipulative, impolite... You watched Grayza drug and molest me and didn't do anything to stop it. You're a sadist. Your face is... unappealing. You tried to kill Moya and Pilot. You're boring. You're a terrible conversationalist. You're a really picky eater. You're smug. You don't seem to like anything. Your haircut went out of style a decade ago.” He looked at the back of the card. “That's it. Those are all the reasons I hate you. And you being gay, bisexual, whatever wasn't one of them... You get what I'm saying?”
“I think so.”
“Good. That's—” The next word was knocked out of John's mouth by Braca's forehead smashing into his nose.